Endings …

Hi there. Sometimes things happen suddenly. But things have happened that I feel I have to end this blog now. I am still going to have my professional editing business for a long time to come (God willing), but my hosting service (the blog has been down for 3 weeks [I ask them to reset it, they do, and it’s down again the next day]), weather, bit more internet spottiness on the mountain during the stormy season this year, and health issues have made the blogging a struggle. So I feel the need to end this. I’m sorry and will miss my regular readers.

You can reach me at pedagogicalthoughtsedit@gmail.com.


Halfway Through Our Year of Writing –What Have You Learned? What Do You Want to Talk About?

Welcome to July! Our year of blogging about writing is half over. So I’d like to hear from you — what have you learned about your own writing? About how to improve your first draft? About what slows you down and keeps you from finishing that first draft? Have you learned anything about your perfectionism? Have you found your First Reader?

Or maybe you took away some tips on how to talk with a journal or book editor, so that your writing project moves forward in a timely manner.

Whatever it was…please share in the comments.

Please visit the Pedagogical Thoughts website to contact me about institutional or individual consulting, dissertation editing, or coaching about writing.