Take The Time–You Deserve It

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Hopefully, it’s over. This academic term is (or soon will be) done. You made it. Your students made it. There were good days, great days, and likely a few you’d like to forget days. And that’s more than okay.

But now, breathe. Rest. Let it go. Repeat until you feel that pressure off your heart, your soul, your neck muscles.

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Find what makes you happy–baking? sleeping? walking outside? binge-watching your favorite movie or show? cuddling with your partner or your little one? Need a good cry? That’s okay too. Whatever it is–take the time to do it. Celebrate holidays if that’s what you do. Make the time. You deserve it.

No one can know how difficult the academic terms beginning in Spring 2020 were. These years will–for all of us, in our own ways–be a silent wound on our hearts. But teachers had to also wear those wounds every day in front of others–students, colleagues, administrators, even the public. Teachers have been supported to be sure, but others have been vilified for wanting students to wear masks, for protecting their own and their loved ones’ health. But one way to begin to heal is to refresh yourself. It’s not being selfish, it’s called knitting together the frayed edges of patience, raw emotions, and the exhaustion of constant encouragement of others. And we each have to find our way to do it.

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The good news is–a year ago today science triumphed and vaccines began to be distributed. Many of us have had two shots, some three. Hopefully, every week, more will get vaccinated and slowly the tide will turn against the virus and its variants, here now and those which will come. Things will begin to change–hopefully toward a better America, a better world, better educational experiences. We will realize some things need to change and we’ll do that hard work to make it so.

But today–rest. Relax. Do what you need to in order to unwind. Stay safe, stay healthy, mask up, and in a few days or more, make that list of what you have to do before Spring term begins.

But. Not. Today.

See you in 2022. Happy Holidays. And may 2022 be far, far better than 2020 and 2021 has turned out to be.

Please visit the Pedagogical Thoughts website to contact me about institutional or individual consulting, dissertation editing, or coaching about writing.

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